42 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Application Implementation in Improving Student with Autism Verbal Communication

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    Augmentative and Alternative Communication is widely used in the educational context as a learning aid for improving verbal communication among students.  The aims of this research are to study the effectiveness of Augmentative and Alternative Communication implementation in improving students with autism verbal communication. This research was conducted at one of the primary school in Machang, Kelantan. 2 students with autism participate in this study as a respondent and divided into treatment group and controlled group. Pre and post-tests were conducted to collect and analyze data. Finding in this research shows there was a significant difference between the pre and post-test score in the treatment group when Augmentative and Alternative Communication application was implemented in the intervention

    Inequality of bargaining power and the doctrine of unconscionability: Towards substantive fairness in commercial contracts

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    The issues on unconscionability and inequality of bargaining power are common legal dictums, which are constantly and continuously discussed in consumer contracts. However, the predicaments caused by unconscionability and inequality of bargaining power in commercial contracts are often left side ways despite the alarm, which had been set on by the contractual parties in commercial contracts. Terms on earnest payment, performance bond, pre-determined damages, standard exemption and limitation terms in commercial contracts are examples of practices which arise from the unconscionability and inequality of bargaining power of the contractual parties. This paper looks into the raison de-etre and legal discussion on the principles of unconscionability and inequality of bargaining power under the law of contract and to highlight its application and effect in commercial contracts. References of the discussion are mainly made to the common law principles with occasional reference to the Australian law and Malaysian law. Research methodologies applied in this research are doctrinal and statutory analysis

    Conocimientos pedagógicos y de contenido tecnológico entre los docentes de educación especial vocacional

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    Teachers play an essential function in implementing the ultimate goal of education by producing insightful human capital in line with the goals of the Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025. This effort is also the main responsibility of special education teachers in improving a learning process that satisfies the specific necessities of special needs students. Special education teachers require to furnish themselves with a wide assortment of knowledge and skills so that quality education can be applied to students with special needs. Therefore, this study investigates the level of technological pedagogical and content knowledge, teaching style, self-efficacy and competence of vocational special education teachers. This research employs a quantitative approach applying the survey method. In this research, 36 teachers from vocational special education schools from the state of Selangor involved as a sample. The collected data were analyzed, adopting the SPSS application to get the mean and standard deviation.Los maestros desempeñan una función esencial en la implementación del objetivo final de la educación al producir un capital humano perspicaz en línea con los objetivos del Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malasia (PPPM) 2013-2025. Este esfuerzo es también la responsabilidad principal de los maestros de educación especial para mejorar un proceso de aprendizaje que satisfaga las necesidades específicas de los estudiantes con necesidades especiales. Los maestros de educación especial requieren que se proporcionen una amplia variedad de conocimientos y habilidades para que la educación de calidad pueda aplicarse a los estudiantes con necesidades especiales. Por lo tanto, este estudio investiga el nivel de conocimiento tecnológico pedagógico y de contenido, estilo de enseñanza, autoeficacia y competencia de los docentes de educación especial vocacional. Esta investigación emplea un enfoque cuantitativo aplicando el método de encuesta. En esta investigación, 36 maestros de escuelas vocacionales de educación especial del estado de Selangor participaron como muestra. Los datos recopilados fueron analizados, adoptando la aplicación SPSS para obtener la media y la desviación estándar

    Penerokaan laras bahasa guru prasekolah dalam pengajaran Matematik awal

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    Penggunaan laras bahasa yang tepat berupaya meningkatkan pemahaman dan perkembangan matematik awal kanak-kanak khususnya di peringkat prasekolah. Kajian kes ini meneroka laras bahasa yang digunakan oleh empat orang guru prasekolah di Negeri Sembilan ketika mengajar matematik awal dan bagaimana jenis-jenis laras bahasa ini diperluaskan penggunaannya dalam pendidikan prasekolah. Data diperoleh menerusi temu bual, pemerhatian, dan analisis dokumen. Dapatan menunjukkan semua guru menggunakan dua jenis laras bahasa ketika proses pengajaran matematik awal, iaitu laras bahasa matematik dan laras bahasa harian yang difahami oleh kanak-kanak. Laras bahasa matematik kerap digunakan dalam aktiviti rutin sebagai usaha meningkatkan kemahiran matematik awal murid-murid prasekolah. Laras bahasa harian juga digunakan dalam pembelajaran untuk membantu memudahkan pemahaman murid-murid. Kesimpulannya, penggunaan laras bahasa yang tepat dan bermakna dan sesuai dengan tahap pemahaman kanak-kanak dapat membantu meningkatkan pemahaman murid kepada konsep Matematik awal, seterusnya akan menjadi faktor utama peningkatan prestasi dalam Matematik awal. Implikasinya, selain amalan pelbagai pendekatan dan penggunaan alat bantu mengajar (ABM) sewaktu proses Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PdP), penggunaan laras bahasa yang tepat dan bermakna penting dalam membantu meningkatkan pemahaman murid prasekolah terhadap konsep matematik awal

    The relationship between teaching style, self-efficacy and competency in vocational special education teachers

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    The purpose of this study is to identify and examine the relationship between teaching style, self-efficacy and teacher’s competency in vocational special education secondary schools in Malaysia. Three instruments were used in the study which are Grasha Teaching Style, Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES), and Standard Kualiti Pendidikan Malaysia Gelombang 2 (SKPMg2). The study involved a total of 229 teachers and Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was applied for the data analysis. The results found that the teaching style has a positive relationship with teacher’s self-efficacy. Similarly, self-efficacy has a positive relationship with teacher’s competency. Besides that, it was found that self-efficacy is a full mediator of the relationship between teaching style and competency (β = 0.222, p < 0.05). The findings summarised that a positive teaching style will enhance teacher’s self-efficacy and the teachers are more confident in using a variety of teaching styles. Besides, the study also found that self-efficacy is a factor that helps teachers to be more competent in their teaching profession. In fact, the finding obtained self-efficacy as a factor in improving teachers’ positive attitude in teaching and learning process. Moreover, the findings found that teaching style and self-efficacy are among the factors that cultivate the nature of teacher’s competence in terms of knowledge, understanding and skills. In conclusion, studies focusing on teaching style, self -efficacy and competency among special education teachers in integration schools are encouraged in the future